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Vaal River

The mighty Vaal River is the largest tributary of the Orange River in South Africa. It has its source in the Drakensberg Mountains in Mpumalanga, east of Johannesburg and about 30krn north of Ermelo and only 240krn from the Indian Ocean. It then flows westwards to its conjunction with the Orange River southwest of Kimberley in the Northern Cape. The Vaal River is 1120krn in length, and forms the border between Mpumalanga, Gauteng and North West Province on the north bank, and the Free State on its south.

Vaal River


Vaal River

What is it about fly fishing that drives us to distraction? Few pastimes evolve into obsession and none can derive such satisfaction irrespective of result. There are no limits to the game fish that you can cast a line to or the imitations you may tie, your only restriction is your time. 


Historically, the river formed the northern border of the Moshoeshoe I's Basotho kingdom at its height, and then became the boundary between two Boere republics, and later provinces - Transvaal and the Orange Free State. The geographic name "Transvaal" comes from the name of this river, meaning beyond the Vaal River.

Vaal River

River Bridges

Parys & Island Suspention Bridges

The Parys River bridges are a architectural landmark on the boundary between Free State and the North West provinces. In the Parys area there are six noteworthy bridges, the Vaal River bridge, Suspension bridge linking Golf Island to Parys, Suspension bridge linking Groot Eiland to Parys, Steel bridges at both island developments and the Schoemansdrif bridge in the Vredefort Dome.

River Rafters

The Vaal is a playground for white water rafters and kayaker's. The river rafting trips are offered on the most popular rafting stretch in South Africa. Rapids are between grade 1 and 3. It includes “Big Daddy”, close to Vaal de Gráce, and the world renowned “Gatsien” rapid. Rafting options include nature paddles, an experience fit for anyone.

River Rafters

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André Coetsee

082 479 2598


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 Street 47