Parys & Region
In the early 1870's, towns in the northern
Free State were situated very far apart and members of different churches had to travel great
distances to participate in religious services. It was then decided by the Ring of the Dutch
Reformed Church to implant the idea of a congregation north of the Rhenoster River into the minds
of the residents of the farm Klipspruit, on the Vaal River, which was owned by four van Coller
brothers. After long deliberation by the brothers, the first erven were laid out in 1876, and the
little town of Parys was born.
About the region

Vaal de Gráce, with the magnificent Vredefort Dome Heritage
Site as its backdrop, has forged an enviable reputation as one of the world's undiscovered tourism
destinations. Not only has Parys breathtaking scenery, exquisite wildlife, the Vaal River,
world-class golf courses, superb restaurants and a rich history, making it a sophisticated country
destination, but the province also has other treasures to explore. The historic Anglo-Boer War
Battlefields can be enjoyed on the Battlefields Route in and around the river and mountainous
beauty of the Vredefort Dome Heritage Site.